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Building Support for an Online Ambassador Training Program: Practical Advice for Destination Marketing Organizations

Written by Stephen Ekstrom | Aug 2, 2023 11:47:12 AM

In today's fast-paced digital world, destination marketing organizations (DMOs) constantly seek innovative ways to promote and enhance their tourism offerings. One effective strategy is establishing a team of passionate and knowledgeable tourism advocates and destination ambassadors who can effectively promote the region to potential visitors. To achieve this, DMOs can benefit from developing an online, on-demand ambassador training program that incorporates instructional design, business psychology, and tourism expertise. This article will provide practical advice to help DMOs build support among key stakeholders and advisors for such a program, drawing inspiration from successful initiatives like The Learn Tourism.

1. Identifying Stakeholders and Understanding Their Needs:

The first step in building support for an ambassador training program is identifying the key stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. These stakeholders may include government officials, local businesses, tourism boards, and community leaders. Engage in dialogue with each group to understand their specific needs and expectations for the program. Highlight the benefits of an online, on-demand format, such as flexibility and cost-effectiveness, which will cater to their requirements.

2. Demonstrating the Value of an Ambassador Training Program:

Highlight the potential value an ambassador training program can bring to the destination and its stakeholders. Emphasize how a well-trained ambassador team can elevate the destination's reputation, attract visitors, and boost the local economy. Use data and case studies from successful programs like The Learn Tourism to showcase the positive impact such initiatives can have on tourism growth.

RELATED: The Power of eLearning for Tourism Front-Line Workers and DMO Stakeholders

3. Collaborating with Industry Experts:

Collaborate with renowned experts in instructional design, business psychology, and tourism to build credibility for the training program. Reach out to established professionals and institutions, inviting them to contribute their expertise and insights to the program's content. This collaboration will not only enhance the quality of the training but also serve as an endorsement of the program's effectiveness.

4. Tailoring Content for Online, On-Demand Learning:

One of the critical advantages of an online, on-demand training program is the ability to offer personalized and engaging content. Work with instructional designers to create interactive and immersive learning modules that cater to different learning styles. Use multimedia elements like videos, quizzes, and simulations to make the training engaging and effective.

5. Utilizing Business Psychology for Better Engagement:

Incorporate principles of business psychology to motivate and engage the trainees. Use persuasive techniques like storytelling to create an emotional connection with the destination. Implement gamification elements to make learning enjoyable and rewarding, encouraging active participation and knowledge retention.

LinkedIn ARTICLE: What is Business Psychology and Why is it Important to Tourism Training?

6. Showcasing Success Stories:

Compile success stories from existing destination ambassador programs or other sectors that have adopted online, on-demand training. Share testimonials from participants who have benefited from such initiatives, demonstrating the real-world impact and effectiveness of the proposed program.

7. Addressing Concerns and Feedback:

Be open to feedback and address any concerns raised by stakeholders or advisors during the development and implementation of the program. Create channels for open communication and ensure that their inputs are considered and integrated into the final program.


Building support for an online, on-demand ambassador training program incorporating instructional design, business psychology, and tourism know-how is a strategic move for destination marketing organizations. By identifying stakeholders' needs, showcasing value, collaborating with experts, tailoring content, leveraging business psychology, and sharing success stories, DMOs can effectively gain the necessary support and create an impactful ambassador training program that benefits both the destination and its stakeholders. Like The Learn Tourism's successful approach, this training initiative will pave the way for a more prosperous and thriving tourism industry.