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Three Key Actions for Destination Marketers after the 2023 Destinations International Conference

Written by Stephen Ekstrom | Jul 27, 2023 11:24:00 AM

The 2023 Destinations International Conference brought together destination marketers worldwide to explore the latest trends in destination stewardship, technological innovations, workforce development, and advocate leadership. As the conference concludes, destination marketers must capitalize on the valuable insights gained during the event. By implementing the following three key actions, destination marketers can effectively leverage their learnings and drive sustainable growth and success in their destinations, with online learning serving as a powerful tool to accomplish these objectives.

  1. Embrace Destination Stewardship:

Destination stewardship emerged as a central theme at the 2023 conference, highlighting the importance of responsible and sustainable tourism practices. To build upon these discussions, destination marketers should take concrete steps to embrace destination stewardship within their strategies, utilizing online learning to facilitate knowledge acquisition and implementation:

  1. Foster Collaboration: Online learning platforms like The Learn Tourism | learntourism.org can facilitate collaborative learning experiences, allowing destination marketers to engage with experts, peers, and communities worldwide. Marketers can exchange ideas, share best practices, and collaborate on sustainability initiatives through webinars, virtual conferences, and online forums.
  2. Promote Responsible Tourism: Online learning can be leveraged to educate visitors about responsible tourism practices. Destination marketers can create interactive e-learning modules, webinars, and social media campaigns to raise awareness and encourage sustainable behaviors among travelers.
  3. Measure and Monitor Impact: Online courses and workshops can provide destination marketers with the necessary skills and tools to measure and monitor the impact of tourism activities effectively. From sustainable tourism metrics to data analysis techniques, online learning resources can empower marketers to make data-driven decisions and continually improve their destination's sustainability efforts.


  1. Embrace Technological Innovations:

The 2023 conference showcased cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the tourism industry. To remain competitive and meet evolving traveler expectations, destination marketers must embrace these innovations, utilizing online learning to stay updated and acquire new skills:

  1. Personalize Experiences: Online learning platforms can offer customized tourism training, courses, and certifications on AI, big data analytics, and customer segmentation. Marketers can leverage these resources to gain insights into personalization strategies, enabling them to create tailored visitor experiences.
  2. Leverage Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Online learning can provide destination marketers with the knowledge and skills to effectively implement AR and VR technologies. Courses on AR/VR content creation, immersive storytelling, and user experience design can empower marketers to showcase destinations and attractions engagingly.
  3. Enhance Communication Channels: Online learning resources can help destination marketers master communication tools and platforms like chatbots, voice assistants, and social media messaging apps. By understanding these technologies, marketers can deliver real-time assistance and engage with visitors effectively, improving customer service and increasing visitor satisfaction.


  1. Develop Workforce and Advocate Leadership:

To foster sustainable growth and progress, destination marketers must prioritize workforce development and advocate leadership, leveraging online learning to provide flexible and accessible training opportunities:

  1. Invest in Professional Development: Online learning platforms offer courses, webinars, and certifications on destination marketing, leadership skills, and industry trends. Marketers can encourage their teams to participate in online learning programs, allowing them to enhance their skills and broaden their knowledge base.
  2. Foster Collaboration and Mentorship: Online learning communities and virtual mentorship programs can connect destination marketing professionals across different regions. Marketers can engage in virtual networking, knowledge sharing, and mentorship opportunities, allowing industry expertise to be exchanged and nurtured.
  3. Advocate for the Industry: Online learning resources can equip destination marketers with the necessary knowledge and tools to advocate for the tourism industry effectively. Courses on public speaking, lobbying techniques, and policy advocacy can empower marketers to engage with industry associations and government bodies, influencing policy decisions that positively impact destination marketing.



The 2023 Destinations International Conference gave destination marketers valuable insights into destination stewardship, technological innovations, workforce development, and advocate leadership. To capitalize on this knowledge, marketers must take action and implement the three key strategies discussed, utilizing online learning as a powerful tool to accomplish these objectives. By embracing destination stewardship, leveraging technological innovations, prioritizing workforce development and advocacy leadership, and using online learning resources, destination marketers can drive sustainable growth, enhance visitor experiences, and position their destinations as leaders in the ever-evolving tourism industry.