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In the Crosshairs: Your Destination and Gun Violence

Written by Stephen Ekstrom | Jul 21, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Gun violence had become an all-too-frequent occurrence in the United States, with devastating consequences for communities nationwide. It was a matter of public safety and national security and an issue that impacted various aspects of our society. One area that had felt the reverberations of this epidemic was the tourism industry, raising concerns about the impact on visitation, conventions, college enrollment, and leisure activities. As we gathered for the 2023 Destinations International Annual Conference, we needed to address these pressing questions: How was gun violence affecting the tourism economy and our destinations? What actions could we take to prevent, respond to, and recover from these tragic events?

Over the past year alone, the United States has witnessed over 600 mass shooting incidents. These horrific incidents made headlines worldwide, and potential travelers took notice. The perception of safety was a vital factor when choosing a travel destination. With increased media coverage of gun violence incidents, visitors may have become hesitant to visit destinations in the U.S., concerned about their well-being. This hesitancy could have significantly impacted the tourism economy, resulting in decreased visitation rates and revenue for local businesses.

Conventions, which often attracted large gatherings of people, were also affected. Event planners and organizers prioritized safety and security considerations more than ever before. The threat of gun violence loomed large in their decision-making processes, potentially leading them to choose safer destinations or implement additional security measures. These precautions came with different costs and logistical challenges, impacting the destination's attractiveness as a convention location and the financial bottom line.

Another area that felt the ripple effects of gun violence was college enrollment. Prospective students and their families were increasingly concerned about safety on campuses. Instances of gun violence on college campuses sparked anxiety and uncertainty, leading some students to question their decision to pursue education in the United States. This could have potentially resulted in a decline in international enrollment, impacting the diversity and vibrancy of our higher education institutions.

Furthermore, leisure travelers sought destinations that offered a sense of relaxation, enjoyment, and security. The prevalence of gun violence undermined these expectations, creating a negative perception of a destination's safety. Potential visitors may have opted for alternative destinations where they felt safer, impacting the leisure tourism sector and the local economy.

Addressing the threat of gun violence was not only a moral imperative but also an economic one. Destinations had to take decisive action to prevent, respond to, and recover from these tragedies. First and foremost, ensuring the safety and security of visitors should have been a top priority. This involved implementing comprehensive security measures, both visible and behind the scenes, to provide a sense of safety without creating an atmosphere of fear.

Collaboration and information sharing between destinations, law enforcement agencies, and event organizers were crucial. By working together, we could have developed best practices and protocols that helped prevent incidents and effectively respond in an emergency. Preparedness training, including active shooter drills, should have been conducted regularly to ensure all stakeholders were equipped to handle such situations.

Destinations should have also considered proactive communication strategies to address the concerns of potential visitors. Promoting initiatives focused on safety and security could have helped counteract negative perceptions. By highlighting robust security measures, partnerships with law enforcement, and successful incident response plans, destinations could have reassured visitors that their well-being was paramount.

In the unfortunate event of a tragedy, destinations had to have comprehensive recovery plans. These plans should have addressed the physical and emotional well-being of those affected and the long-term reputation management and image repair of the destination. Timely and transparent communication was essential during the recovery process, instilling confidence in visitors and ensuring they understood the measures taken to prevent future incidents.

At the 2023 Destinations International Annual Conference, a panel discussion was held on gun violence and its impact on the tourism economy. The panel included Cleo Battle, CEO of Louisville Tourism; Butch Spyridon, CEO of Nashville Convention & Visitors Corporation; and Sandy Phillips, CEO of Survivors Empowered. The Learn Tourism's Co-Founder & CEO, Stephen Ekstrom, moderated the discussion. These esteemed panelists shared their insights, experiences, and expertise on the subject, shedding light on the challenges faced by destinations and offering actionable solutions.

By examining the challenges faced by destinations, sharing best practices, and identifying actionable steps, the panel discussion aimed to help create safer and more secure travel experiences. Gun violence should not have defined our destinations or deterred visitors from exploring our communities' rich cultural and natural attractions. By addressing this issue head-on, implementing effective prevention strategies, and fostering resilience, we could ensure that our destinations remained welcoming, secure, and prosperous for years.