Learn Tourism - a nonprofit academy

When You Know Better, Do Better

Written by Stephen Ekstrom | Jun 14, 2022 2:40:07 PM
I'm often asked, "What makes The Learn Tourism different?" It all comes down to our character and the personal passions of our team. We are a group of learners, first and foremost. 
Not long ago, I had the opportunity to stargaze at Zion National Park with astronomer Matthias Schmidt from Stargazing Zion, who reminded me, "When one person teaches, two people learn." That sums it up nicely. We are a bunch of nerds who love to learn and who find joy in helping others learn more about the world around them. This love for learning and applying what we've learned is in our DNA. 
The three main factors distinguishing our work from other trainers give your destination access to more effective and efficient solutions. Could you take a look?
  • We listen. Each destination has unique skills they want their stakeholders to master. We design programs that produce these outcomes. We don't just copy/paste from what everyone else is doing.
  • We apply principles of instructional design. Advised by adult learning experts, business psychologists, and talent developers, our programs deliver education with empathy - providing learners with training that is accessible to their learning style and busy schedule. Read more
  • We use innovative technology. Intuitive, easy-to-manage, and insightful technologies are leveraged to ensure your team can keep up with unlimited community stakeholders in as little as 5 minutes a month. Read more
Would you be ready to talk about building a tourism ambassador program for your community? Just call me or click here to grab some time on my calendar.
RELATED: Tourism Ambassador Training & Certificates