Learn Tourism - a nonprofit academy

How Online Learning Boosts Engagement and Completion Rates for Destination Marketing Organizations

Written by Stephen Ekstrom | Aug 9, 2023 11:05:00 AM

Destination marketing organizations (DMOs) face new challenges and opportunities in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. To remain competitive, these organizations must embrace innovative approaches, and one such strategy is harnessing the power of online learning. Just as Stephen Ekstrom, CEO & Co-Founder of Learn Tourism, travels the world to gain knowledge and experiences, DMOs can leverage online learning to increase engagement, participation, and completion rates. In this blog post, we'll explore how online learning can be a game-changer for DMOs.

1. Accessible Learning Anytime, Anywhere

Online learning offers the flexibility that today's travelers and tourism professionals crave. Whether it's a DMO staff member wanting to upskill or a partner in a remote location seeking to collaborate, online courses can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility promotes continuous learning and ensures that employees and partners can conveniently engage with DMO training materials and resources. Read more

2. Customized Training for Diverse Audiences

DMOs often work with diverse stakeholders, from local businesses to government agencies. Online learning platforms can deliver customized training modules tailored to these groups' specific needs and interests. For instance, a restaurant owner looking to improve their marketing skills can access marketing-focused content, while a government official can find resources related to sustainable tourism practices. This tailored approach increases participation rates as stakeholders engage with content relevant to their roles and interests.

3. Engaging Multimedia Content

Online learning is more comprehensive than text-based materials. DMOs can incorporate engaging multimedia elements like videos, interactive maps, virtual tours, and quizzes. These interactive features make the learning process enjoyable, increase retention of information, and ultimately boost engagement. Just as Stephen Ekstrom enjoys sharing his travel experiences, DMOs can use multimedia to share the unique aspects of their destinations.

4. Collaboration and Networking Opportunities

Online learning platforms can serve as hubs for collaboration and networking. DMO employees, partners, and stakeholders can participate in discussion forums, webinars, and group projects. These interactions foster community, enabling individuals to share insights, best practices, and challenges. Collaboration and networking are key drivers of engagement, as individuals feel a sense of belonging to a broader community with shared goals.

5. Data-Driven Insights for Improvement

Online learning platforms provide valuable data on user engagement and progress. DMOs can analyze this data to identify areas where learners struggle or disengage. With this information, adjustments can be made to course content and delivery methods to optimize engagement and completion rates over time. It's a continuous improvement cycle, much like Stephen Ekstrom's commitment to learning and sharing knowledge.

6. Certification and Recognition

Completion certificates or digital badges can be awarded to learners who successfully finish online courses. These certifications recognize the learner's efforts and provide a tangible incentive for participation and completion. DMOs can use certification programs to motivate stakeholders and employees to engage actively with their training materials.

7. Empowering DMO Professionals to Excel

As Stephen Ekstrom believes in the power of education and sharing knowledge, DMOs can empower their professionals to excel in their roles through online learning. It enhances their skills and instills a sense of confidence and enthusiasm for their work. This, in turn, drives higher engagement and better outcomes for destination marketing efforts.


Online learning is a powerful tool that can significantly increase engagement, participation, and completion rates for destination marketing organizations. As Stephen Ekstrom travels the world to gain knowledge and experiences, DMOs can embark on a digital education journey to empower their teams, partners, and stakeholders. By embracing online learning, DMOs can thrive in the ever-evolving tourism industry and continue to promote their destinations effectively, ultimately benefiting travelers and communities worldwide.