7 Secrets For A Great First Week at Tourism Work

7 Secrets For A Great First Week at Tourism Work

Starting a new job and working with a new team is both exciting and nerve-wracking.  You’re confident (after all, they chose YOU) and excited about this new opportunity, but you secretly dread the first week as the ‘new guy.’


It’s tough to be the newbie, especially in travel and tourism where turnover in the workplace is common.  But there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier.


Here are 7 secrets for  a great first week at work!

1. Introduce yourself with a smile 


Let your new team know that you’ve arrived!  Make it a point to introduce yourself with a smile and let them know how excited you are to be there.  


Feel your way through the meet and greets - if the person seems pleased to be talking with you, continue the conversation.  If s/he seems distracted, a polite “nice to meet you” will suffice for the moment.


If the idea of relentless introductions is intimidating, prepare a mental script ahead of time.  A few lines that roll easily off the tongue can make a world of difference during an awkward first encounter.  


As you get to know your new colleagues, let your sparkling personality and energy shine through!

2. Get to know the players on your team 


Every player on a sports team plays a specific role in the team’s success.  The workplace is no different.  Each person on staff contributes in some way to the team’s goals and objectives.  


When I was a new elementary teacher, I learned very quickly that it wasn’t the principal I needed to impress, but rather the secretary.  Mrs. Q was a force to be reckoned with!  She essentially ran the school single-handedly.  If you hoped for a good year, you had to get on Mrs. Q’s good side.


Get to know the players on your team. Learn their roles, routines, and personalities.  Take a proactive approach and invite them to lunch or for a coffee. They’ll be much more receptive to lending a helping hand if you make an effort to build relationships.


Who knows.. you may even make a new friend!


3. Ask questions (and take copious notes!)


A recent study by the Harvard Business School demonstrates that asking the right questions can be the difference between success and failure.  People who are inquisitive are viewed as more engaged and intelligent.


The trick is to ask the right kinds of questionsBe open-minded, creative, and curious, focusing on how you can help the team.  Asking things like “how can I help?” or “what are my specific responsibilities and expectations?” leads to open communication, discovery, and problem-solving.


Asking good questions also helps you find your footing in the new work environment (i.e. - can I handle this on my own or do I need my supervisor’s approval?)


Don’t forget to take notes while absorbing all of this great intel.  Assume you will be a bit overwhelmed your first few days.  Jotting down key names and information will help you feel more confident and capable in your new position.


4. First one in. Last one out.


Here’s a no-brainer.  As the newest name on the payroll, don’t stroll in at 9:00 a.m. and out at 5:00 p.m. on the button. 


Make a good first impression by getting to work early and staying later.  Working a little longer and harder the first few weeks demonstrates your commitment to and enthusiasm in your new role.


5. Get involved


It’s tempting to want to fly under the radar during your first days - just until you get your feet wet!  But push yourself to get involved as an active member of the team right from the start.


If there’s an opportunity to volunteer, sign up.  If there’s a book club meeting, read the book.  If there’s a committee being formed, throw your name into the mix.  Make yourself an invaluable part of the office culture from the beginning.


6. Wrap up with a progress report


At the end of your exhilarating and -let’s face it - exhausting week, share your progress with your boss. Email a short summary of accomplishments and your projected “to-do” list for the following week.


A self-initiated progress report shows that you are organized and prepared for whatever lies ahead.


7. A top-secret tip!


These are 6 secrets to a great first week - but there’s one more you need to know! 




The Learn Tourism is ready to help you on your journey toward career growth, professional success, and personal fulfillment with a host of resources. 


 As you get acquainted with your new role, get the skills and knowledge you need to be successful.



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