What is Microlearning? Examples and Best Practices. Plus Tourism Tips

What is Microlearning? Examples and Best Practices. Plus Tourism Tips

The modern learner is generally distracted. It has been found that they look at their phones up to 9 times in an hour. And, they will lose focus if they are asked to watch a training video that is 4 minutes or longer. Because of this, expecting them to sit through an hour-long training is not practical. This is where microlearning can be a great tool to impart valuable training. Here are top 5 best practices to design microlearning modules to ensure its success.

How To Design A Great Microlearning Experience

Now, before we get started, I want to stress that it’s not wise to try to convert everything into microlearning. Practice over time retains information, so my advice from the start is to have a variety of courses in mediums and time frames to appeal to all audiences. Microlearning does work well to get the relevant information into the learners' hands and head quickly, but there are best practices expressed below to prevent a failed approach.

Microlearning is a short learning module between 3 to 5 minutes long that is designed with a specific learning outcome in mind. These bite-sized modules or microlearning examples are used to enhance the performance of the learners. They have become popular because of their brevity. Learners find it convenient to fit in these short modules during their breaks. It does not overwhelm them, and they retain the concepts since they are delivered in short bursts. Your employees can access it whenever and wherever they like. These short online modules address specific learner needs and are great for spaced repetition.

Here are top 5 best practices to design microlearning modules to ensure its success:

1. Enable Mobile Access

Microlearning modules are for employees who are mostly on the move. One of the reasons micro modules are popular is that learners can access it when they need it. So, these modules should be easily accessible on mobile devices. Your employees should be able to access the learning anytime, and anywhere, they want to. It will be even better if you can enable offline access as it is not safe to assume that your workforce will always have access to the Internet.

2. Focus On One Idea Per Module

In microlearning modules, you have about 3 to 5 minutes to make an impact on your learner in a way that there is a visible behavior change. That is quite a tall order. So, choose your content wisely. Do not try to condense all available content into one module. The entire purpose will be lost. Choose only one idea per module. Elaborate on that idea in a way that it really makes a difference.

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3. Use Relevant Visuals And Media

No one likes to read massive amounts of text even if it is for a couple of minutes. The text takes a lot of time to read and can be harder to remember. So, it is important that you design the information with the help of other elements like visuals, media, and so on. These elements help learners to process and retain information better and faster. Focus on the big idea and devise a way in which you can represent it with the help of images and text. Placing appropriate visuals make the screen engaging. But, you need to keep in mind that the visuals should have relevance. Do not insert images that take away the learner’s attention without adding any value. The same rule applies to video and audio elements. Portraying information with the help of different ways keep the audience engaged and motivated.

RELATED: 7 Tips For Course Videos to Engage

4. Offer Customization

When it comes to learning, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. An effective microlearning module is one that supports and adapts to individual learning needs. Your microlearning module should help your employees learn skills that they wish to learn and in the way that works best for them. This may seem difficult but it is achievable with the help of branching and granular objectives. Branching allows you to create differentiated learning with whatever resources available at hand. It shows the learner one topic if the learner chooses one answer and another one if he chooses a different response. This maximizes the time each learner has at hand.

5. Keep It Lean

For microlearning, less is always more. The less clutter you have, the better for your learners. Segregate your content as need-to-know versus nice-to-know. Include only those content that adds value to the learner. The same principle applies to images. You may create an awesome graphic to include in the module, but if it does not add value then it’s better to exclude it. There is no point in distracting your learner and taking up their limited time with something that is not important.


Want to learn more or build a private training environment for your tourism staff? Contact the Learn Tourism today.


Designing Digitally, Inc. creates each learning experience with best practices in mind to ensure our microlearning is educational, engaging and entertaining for the learners. Contact our team today to get started on your next microlearning project and overcome your team’s toughest training challenges.

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