5 Simple Steps to A Great Online Course Name

5 Simple Steps to A Great Online Course Name

5 Simple Steps to A Great Online Course Name

You’re ready to teach tourism with your first online course. You’ve created great content, added engaging supplementals, and polished your presentation that sell your online course. The only thing missing is a titillating title (try saying THAT three times quickly!) Your name should get people excited about your class and rev them up for the learning ahead. No pressure. And no worries. We’ll show you how to choose a course name in 5 easy steps.

  1. Know Your Audience

  2. Research Keywords

  3. Use Power Words

  4. Try An Online Generator

  5. Keep It Short and Sweet

Your title should have a wow factor that draws your target audience. To do that, you need to know your target audience.

  • Where are they from?

  • What’s the average participant age?

  • What are their jobs?

  • What do they do for fun?

  • Why are they interested in your course?

This mix of demographics and psychographics can help you determine how to approach your topic name (and fine-tune your presentation style). You may be familiar with your audience already, or you may need to do a little detective work to gather intel. Either way, knowing your audience makes it easier to pick a fitting name, fill your spots and stand out in our course catalog.

If you want people to sign up for your class, they have to be able to find it. Most will search by keywords or phrases relevant to the topic.

For example, if your class is designed for tour operators or teachers who plan student travel, they might search for things like “student trips” or “school tours.” Or they may Google something like “how to plan a student trip.”

Your job is to find a way to work these words or phrases into your course title and make it more searchable. If you don’t know where to begin, try a keyword research tool like Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer. It’s free, easy to use, and offers great insight.


Power words like “bold,” “fascinating,” and “transformative” trigger feelings of excitement or anticipation.

Words such as “masterclass”, “comprehensive”, or “proven” underscore your authority on a subject.

If you want to convey a sense of exclusivity, try incorporating the words or phrases like “unique,” “secret,” or “insider tips.”

Integrating power words into your title connects you to potential students and gives you an edge over the competition!

You exhausted your creativity planning amazing course content and now you’re out of ideas. Relax - the internet is an endless source of free cyber help. Try an online name/slogan generator like Zyro or Oberlo. Plug in a word that you want to include in your title and review the responses.

For example, if we search again for the words “student travel,” the online generator produces a list of related phrases

Naming your online course


Finally, remember to keep your course name short and sweet. Make it catchy and memorable, and no more than 65 characters.

How to Choose A Course Name in 5 Easy Steps - only 34 and easy to read!

If you’re teaching a class as part of a series, use name unity for consistency and recognition (think Oprah’s Master Class with Famous Guest).

These are just a few simple suggestions to get you on the right path with choosing a course name - now the rest is up to you. We know you’ll end up with something amazing!


RELATED: How to Find An Audience for Your Online Course

RELATED: View The Learn Tourism's List of Online Tourism Courses


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