Why Your Destination Needs Online Tourism Ambassador Certificates of Completion

Why Your Destination Needs Online Tourism Ambassador Certificates of Completion

Why Your Destination Needs Online Tourism Ambassador Certificates of Completion

A decade ago, grassroots marketing was nothing short of a subsidiary tactic for generating brand awareness. Marketers didn’t put any value on the frontline visitor experience until recently when social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok began having an influx of users. Today, what was deemed a marketing afterthought is estimated to be a $5-$10 billion industry.

Despite this opportunity, some destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and convention and visitor bureaus (CVB) still need to be convinced about whether they should invest in designing and maintaining a tourism ambassador program. For that reason, we decided to create an in-depth guide on why a tourism ambassador program is a must-have for leisure, convention, domestic, and international market development.

So, let’s get down to business.


What's a Tourism Ambassador Program?

A tourism ambassador program is an ingenious marketing strategy in which a destination marketing organization works with various stakeholder groups (government, business, residents, and tourists) to achieve specific goals, such as improving visitation, building a positive brand reputation, or increasing recognition.

Tourism and destination ambassadors usually leverage their love for sharing the destination with others to accomplish the goal of promoting positive visitor experiences within your city, state, country, or region. These uplifting moments drive visitors to utilize their social media channels to further promote your destination as a desirable place to visit. This can be through online channels like social media posts or blogging or offline strategies, such as providing transportation, attractions and experiences, front desk services at your hotels, guest services at the airport, trade exhibitions, and events. Blending these and letting your ambassadors do the work for you is the perfect recipe for success.

certificate tourism ambassador certified certification

In essence, tourism ambassador programs usually don’t follow a distinct timeline or duration, but most of the partnerships are generally long-lasting. For the best outcomes, CVBs and DMOs must equip their tourism ambassadors with up-to-date and real-time information to keep the end-users (visitors) hooked on the destination's content. This information includes:

  • New product and destination details or offerings
  • Price changes and available discounts
  • Any changes in the destination's marketing tactics
  • CVB press and announcements

What's to gain from a Tourism Ambassador Program?

Working with credible and friendly tourism ambassadors benefits your destination in several ways. Most importantly, they can boost your brand on social media, instigate sales increases, and spread positive messages about your destination. Below is an in-depth look at how your business can benefit by having tourism brand ambassadors. 

Ambassadors stretch your budget further.

certificate tourism ambassador certified certificationUnlike one-off, short-term influencer partnerships, ambassador programs secure more loyal, long-term alignment with community stakeholders. Tourism ambassadors are more likely to volunteer their services and incorporate your messaging into the work they already do, serving visitors and creating travel experiences. 

Ambassadors amplify brand awareness.

Thanks to your visitors' enormous social media following, tourism ambassadors can create moments that compel new social media posts, stories, and experiences. Therefore, they can drive awareness about your destination, making it a household name among people who plan conferences and those who love to travel but have never considered your area before. They also promote brand awareness faster than traditional advertising.

Ambassadors improve your brand's image.

Did you know that visitors prefer authentic local experiences rather than the same things to see, do, and eat they can get back home? Who better than a local tourism ambassador to bring humanity to an otherwise faceless brand? Tourism ambassadors can help promote your destination image and help it stick to each visitor's memory. Ambassadors also help improve your destination's image by attaching positive experiences to it. 

Ambassadors protect your reputation.

Imagine your destination making headlines in the press for all the wrong reasons. Without trained and verified ambassadors, your visitors would most likely believe the misleading headlines. Each tourism ambassador comes in handy on such occasions to defend your destination against defamation or derogatory statements that might hurt your reputation with your target audiences and future visitors.

Ambassadors offer unmatched publicity.

No more making considerable investments in paid ads to promote new product releases, upcoming events, or destination news. Each brand ambassador can overdeliver on all of these and at a budget that’s more attractive than traditional marketing tactics.

certificate tourism ambassador certified certificationAmbassadors are advocates for your DMO or CVB.

Aside from boosting your destination awareness, tourism ambassadors also spread positive word-of-mouth about your work, improving stakeholders' opinions about your destination marketing organization and increasing your convention & visitors bureau affinity.

Could you share news about important issues or public initiatives with your tourism ambassadors to rally support for your cause?

Ambassadors can grow your destination's social accounts.

Picture this: thousands of visitors arrive at your destination, and each has a social media following of hundreds, thousands, or more. If they are repeatedly posting about your destination with hashtags or a link to your destination’s pages, that’s MILLIONS of people being exposed to your destination EACH DAY. That will definitely gain new followers for your destination's social accounts. Additionally, you can recruit influencers to become tourism ambassadors to do a “live takeover” of your destination’s account to grow your following even more.

Why should you award a certificate of completion to Tourism Ambassadors?

Certificate of Completion

Providing certificates of completion to tourism ambassadors can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Recognition and motivation: Certificates of completion serve as tangible recognition of the efforts and achievements of tourism ambassadors. By receiving a certificate, ambassadors feel acknowledged and valued for their dedication to promoting tourism. It can serve as a powerful motivational tool, encouraging them to continue their efforts and excel in their roles.

  2. Professional development: Certificates of completion can contribute to the professional development of tourism ambassadors. The process of earning a certificate often involves acquiring new knowledge, skills, and experiences related to tourism promotion. By completing specific training programs or fulfilling certain criteria, ambassadors can enhance their expertise and gain valuable insights into the tourism industry, making them more effective in their roles.

  3. Credibility and trust: Certificates of completion add credibility to tourism ambassadors' profiles. When ambassadors are officially recognized for their achievements and receive a certificate, they enhance their credibility in the eyes of tourists, fellow professionals, and stakeholders in the tourism industry. This recognition can help build trust and confidence in their ability to represent and promote a destination effectively.

  4. Documentation and portfolio building: Certificates of completion provide tangible proof of the tourism ambassadors' training and commitment. These documents can be added to their portfolios or resumes, demonstrating their dedication and expertise in tourism promotion. This can be particularly valuable for ambassadors who are seeking career opportunities or advancement within the tourism industry.

  5. Standardization and quality control: Certificates of completion can contribute to standardizing the training and performance expectations for tourism ambassadors. Establishing specific criteria and requirements for earning a certificate ensures that ambassadors meet particular standards of knowledge and professionalism. This can help maintain consistency and quality in tourism promotion efforts, ultimately benefiting the destination and the industry as a whole.

Overall, providing certificates of completion to tourism ambassadors offers various advantages, including recognition, motivation, professional development, credibility, documentation, and standardization. These certificates can support ambassadors' personal growth, enhance their profiles, and contribute to the overall success of tourism promotion efforts.

RELATED: Tourism Ambassador Training & verification by The Learn Tourism


Why offer completion certificate programs?

certificate tourism ambassador certified certificationASAE Foundation researchers investigated the benefits of credential programs both to the associations that award them and to the professionals who hold them. Here’s what they learned.

Certificate programs:
  • Increase member loyalty to the association.
  • Increase the association’s visibility.
  • Increase the association’s legitimacy as the voice of its members.
  • Reinforce the association’s value.
  • Provide a service valued by both employers and members.
Associations reported that credentialed members were more likely to:
  • Be leaders in their field and maintain a competitive advantage.
  • Comply with standardized practices.
  • Renew their membership.
  • Hold a leadership position within the association.
  • Participate in association activities.
By offering a certificate of program completion, your association is training and recognizing the leaders of your profession or industry. You’re helping to bridge skills gaps in your tourism industry’s workforce. And you’re building your association’s reputation as the place to come for professional development and advancement.

Creating a Successful Tourism Ambassador Program: What does it take?

Creating a successful tourism ambassador program may seem complicated from the outlook. But if you take a step-by-step approach, it’s not as difficult as you expect. Here’s our proven formula:

Step #1. Set your goals and key performance indicators, KPIs

What do you aim to accomplish from the program? Here, it would be best if you listed or determined the following:

  • The budget you can afford to dedicate to the program
  • The number of tourism ambassadors you want to certify
  • The kinds of DMO/CVB-to-ambassador engagements
  • The volume of posts required for you to hit your goals
  • The volume and quality of content you want your ambassadors and visitors to share
  • The increase in new visitors, contracts, and sales that you expect to gain

Step #2. Draft an incentive strategy

How do you plan to deliver incentives to tourism ambassadors who have earned their certification? The three most common strategies for incentivizing your confirmed and recognized ambassadors include:

  • Upfront reoccurring incentives – where you reward them on a regular basis in advance using experiences, cash, gift cards, and products. This is the best option when you want your ambassadors to create original content about your brand and products and feel like they are an extension of your team.
  • Incentives after post or activity—This is where you give your ambassadors experiential direction and a program (volunteer or employee) schedule and then reward them on a per-activity or social post basis. This option is usually recommended for long-term collaborations where you’re still feeling the ambassador's value.
  • After activity + bonus payment: This involves giving your ambassadors a goal (hours volunteered, people served, experiences had) to hit over a certain time period (like the holidays) and then monitoring their participation and performance. This option can be a win/win partnership for an influencer who converts and a destination with popular products. 

Step #3. Identify the ambassador's unique strongholds

Every destination has unique experiences, goals, and objectives, making it challenging to find a one-fits-all tourism ambassador model. However, you can decide whether an ambassador under consideration is the right fit if:

  • They've volunteered to participate
  • They’ve used your brand’s hashtags or shown love for your destination repeatedly
  • They’ve engaged in similar campaigns previously and performed impeccably
  • They have a large and active online audience
  • Their engagement rate is above average for the following

Step #4. Find and invite your ambassadors

The next step is announcing the opening program and position and finding potential candidates. Suppose you’re already running an influencer, volunteer, or staffed front-line program. In that case, we suggest asking your high-impact, top-performing influencers first since they’ve already been exposed to your destination marketing organization, its culture, and its objectives. After selecting your preferred destination ambassadors, the onboarding process begins. This involves sharing your:

  • Brand needs and expectations
  • What your ambassadors will receive in return
    • Compensation, rewards, and incentives
    • Shoutouts on your brand pages
    • Free experiences
  • Consumer insights and research
  • Marketing campaign calendar

Step #5. Launch the Program

certified ambassador tourism certification front-line alignment destinationBelow are our recommended best practices for communicating with your ambassadors after launch:

  • Brief them regularly
  • Notify them of new products and offers first
  • Give them the liberty of creating social content and visitor interactions their way
  • Make them feel like an extension of your in-house team
  • Ask for their feedback on your destination and its products/initiatives
  • Send them curated gift packages with items like:
    • Product samples
    • Destination swag
    • Seasonable items

Step #6. Track Success

After getting your tourism ambassador certificate program up and running, the next step is measuring its success by revisiting your KPIs and comparing them with real-time performance.

Watch indicators such as:

  • Your brand’s following and other social metrics like engagement
  • Your website or e-commerce traffic
  • Visitor, meeting, and convention volume year over year for the period

You can leverage performance analysis tools like Brandwatch to gauge the overall impact of your ambassadors’ and visitors' posts and comments. What’s more, you can conduct tourism ambassador surveys to gain feedback regarding crucial factors like incentives, communication, program execution, etc. This can give you ideas of what adjustments you want to make to the program in the future.

Get the hype and buzz your brand needs.

Ambassador programs are all about creating long-term relationships with your community. When your influencer’s audience sees your brand’s content repeatedly over the long term, your company begins to grow exponentially, both in sales and awareness. Isn’t that every business owner’s dream?

Need help aligning your community, finding tourism ambassadors, or designing your tourism ambassador program? Contact us today, and our expert team will be happy to help you get the results you’re looking for. Cheers!


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