How to Greet Visitors: 20+ Examples to Try in Your Destination

How to Greet Visitors: 20+ Examples to Try in Your Destination

How to Greet Visitors: 20+ Examples to Try in Your Destination

Quick take: Want to wow visitors each moment they step into a neighborhood hotel, restaurant, shop, or taxi? Keep reading. This post will:

  • Offer scripts to use when greeting visitors.

  • Shed light on different welcoming techniques and tourist greeting examples.

  • Provide tips on using your CRM to improve visitor greetings and interactions. 

I distinctly recall a moment about a year ago. I was with friends in Denver’s Cherry Creek neighborhood, known for its upscale shopping, dining, and hotels. One of my friends was getting married in a couple of months and stopped by the store where he and his groomsmen got their tuxedos.

He was greeted by name and with a cold beer. Handshakes and hugs all around.

When we left, I asked my friend, “Do you know them?” He said, “Yeah, they’re helping me with my tux.”

Their entire relationship was forged on a transaction, a customer-brand interaction. But it was authentic. I’m not in the market for a tux, but if I were, that’d be my first stop.

How you greet your destination visitors — along with your succeeding interactions with them — make lasting impressions. It’s a low-cost investment you can make to improve the visitor experience and yield profound results.

RELATED: Turn Community Members Into Tourism Advocates & Ambassadors

One study shows that more than half of shoppers will return to a destination because they’ve previously had “superior customer service.” Plus, in retail, that positive experience can help prevent shoplifting.

Keep reading if you’re looking for techniques and examples to greet visitors to your destination. We’ve compiled some of the greetings and follow-up questions you and associates should try when interacting with visitors.

Sales greeting techniques: why they’re important

Lack of acknowledgment from front-line staff is one of visitors’ top three most significant complaints about shopping — and it could be a contributing factor to why one Salesforce report found that only 32% visit stores because they enjoy the experience.

The greeting is customers' first impression of your brand, at least as it relates to that specific in-person experience. “A good customer greeting or even the absence of [one] is the first piece of the customer shopping environment,” says Stephen Ekstrom, Chief Strategist at The Learn Tourism | “They can get a sense of your message through greetings.” That greeting should set the stage for the experience your visitor is about to have.

How do you greet visitors to your community?

Vary greeting techniques and specific verbiage instead of speaking from a script every time. “It displays brand authenticity,” he says. “When destinations train front-line workers to greet in various ways, it allows not just the destination, but also the tourism ambassador to share the breadth and depth of your destination's values.”

That’s not the only reason you should change it up. Ekstrom points out that this demonstrates authenticity, an awareness of what’s happening in the destination, and authority and presence on the visitor front line. That presence is crucial: According to the Salesforce report cited before, three-quarters of consumers place much importance on interacting with sales staff when needed.

RELATED: Customized Training Solutions For Front Line Workers

Plus, it feels personal. Customers want to hear their greeting, and it becomes impersonal if everyone who walks in after them is greeted the same. “Greetings, let your guest know you’re there to provide a great visitor experience,” Ekstrom says.

“[Greetings are] also important in sales conversion and loss prevention,” Ekstrom says.

Customer greeting techniques to use in your destination

To help brainstorm ideas, Ekstrom buckets associate-visitor interactions into four categories:

  • Small talk

  • Familiarity

  • Commonality

  • Orientation

Small talk

Small talk is a great way to break the ice and establish a friendly, human connection with visitors. “Typically, small talk is for those visitors you don’t recognize,” Ekstrom says.

Small talk, greetings, and questions should invite two-way conversation. Avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no — they can quickly lead to dead ends. Ekstrom points out that relationship-building hinges upon that back-and-forth.

“It’s not necessarily the first question that is the most important or the first greeting the associate gives,” he says. “It’s the one that follows up the more important response, particularly regarding this bucket.” Those follow-up questions should be natural progressions of your associates' conversations.

Examples of small talk questions you can use when engaging with visitors:

  • Are you enjoying your afternoon?

  • How’d you hear about us?

  • Did you watch the game last night? I stayed up to watch the end!

  • How’s your day going?

  • What are you up to the rest of the day?

  • Who are we shopping for today?

Customer greeting example: Small talk in action

If you’ve ever been to a Chick-fil-A, you know how great their staff is at small talk. Friendly smiles, upbeat energy, and lots of easy small talk make every experience positive. They interact with you while you wait for your order through light conversation. Once, they gave me nearly a dozen free salads because they were closing, and I needed to get rid of them. But it’s not just me who feels this way — they’ve consistently earned the top spot in their industry's American Customer Satisfaction Index.


Remember that experience I had with my friend at the tuxedo shop? That was under the category of what Ekstrom calls familiarity. “Familiarity is when you’ve seen a visitor before,” she says. You’ve already established an initial relationship with a visitor.

Now, it’s about nurturing that relationship. Demonstrate to your returning visitors more than just remembering them — show them you’re getting to know them.

Vend Tip

You can use tech to your advantage. Many POS (point of sale) solutions like Vend have built-in customer management features that allow you to add notes and track previous purchases. You can reference these things when encountering a returning visitor and use the data you have to tailor their guest experience.


Salesforce also found that 64% of consumers want personalized offers from retail brands, while more than half will switch to another brand if you don’t integrate personalization into your communications.

“Regulars want to feel like they’re in a community and belong,” Ekstrom says. “I like to train my students to be friendly and personable, but not necessarily speak and communicate as they would with friends.” He says to keep it to one or two sentences, as anything that goes overboard can negatively affect the experience.

Examples to get started with your familiarity interactions:

  • What brings you in to see us again?

  • It’s great to see you again.

  • Welcome back! How’ve you been?

  • Did you have a good weekend?

  • Coming in for another ___ (insert their previous purchase)?

Customer greeting example: Familiarity in action

You can take a look at hair salons. Many stylists have loyal clientele; it’s one of their selling points when searching for a chair to rent in a salon. Consumers go to the same stylist for years. You share personal stories and information with your stylist; you develop a real relationship. They return to the salon because of the human interactions and the quality of service they receive from that particular stylist. When her stylist moved, My mother would drive 45 minutes to get her hair done. Treat your associates as your version of stylists who can create that authentic, human connection.


This is when your associates represent the people behind your brand and share a piece of themselves (and, thus, your brand) with customers. “Commonality establishes a relationship through something happening in common,” Ekstrom says.

Establishing commonalities with customers through your community members gives visitors something to connect with. A shared value, perception, or even voice can make your destination relatable and instill trust.

Examples of questions and statements to say to visitors during that first greeting  

  • I like your ___ (shoes, scarf, coat, hairstyle, lipstick, etc.)

  • Wow, how are you navigating town?

  • How are you enjoying the great weather we have here?

  • Have you gotten outside to enjoy the fall colors yet?

  • Have you been around the corner to store X? It’s one of my favorites. (Follow up with What do you like about that store?)

Ekstrom's tips on commonality:

1. Be specific: Rather than asking, ‘How about this weather?’ try something like, ‘Did you get outside to enjoy the warm weather we’ve been having?’ “You can show true engagement,” says Ekstrom of specificity.

2. Be personal: You're encouraged to share a bit about yourself through the lens of your destination. “Personal testimonials are important when establishing commonality,” Ekstrom says. “And they need to be true and helpful.”

3. Be authentic: Visitors can sniff out insincerity in an instant. Ambassador-visitor interactions should be faithful to both the brand and our people.

4. Be positive: Every interaction should be positive. Ekstrom gives an example: rather than saying, ‘When will it stop raining? we can't do anything!’ opt for ‘You’re more than welcome to stay here as long as you need to stay dry.’ “That’s a good way to take commonality, which sometimes tends towards discomfort or inconvenience, and put a positive spin on it,” she points out.

Customer greeting example: Commonality in action

I was shopping for a new snowboard at my local Christy Sports Ski and Snowboard shop. I hadn’t bought a new one in longer than I’d like to admit, so I didn’t know much about the latest products available. The associate helping me out was a snowboarder himself, and he gave me an objective overview of the different kinds of boards available. Then, he gave me his opinion through his own snowboarding experiences. I immediately trusted him because we established something in common and I knew he was speaking authentically through his own experiences. I bought a snowboard from him that same day, even though I had initially planned to shop around.


Orientation is welcoming and familiarizing visitors to the space in your town. These interactions direct visitors to what they need and help them feel comfortable while exploring.

Sometimes, visitors will tell you exactly what they’re looking for. In that case, orientation is more straightforward: Guide those individuals to get exactly where they want to go. You could also offer helpful information they might not have thought of.

For example, if someone’s looking for running shoes in your sports apparel shop, you could also point out that the running socks are buy-one-get-one and available on your way to the shoe section. Then, mention your favorite running trails nearby.

Examples of orientation responses for the “I’m just looking” visitor:

  • I like to start in this area and work my way around.

  • Take your time to look around. Some people stay here for a lifetime just exploring.

After that initial engagement, check in with that customer with things like:

  • Would you like a guided tour?

  • Can I offer any recommendations?

  • How about I start a fitting room for you while you continue looking around?

  • Would you like me to hold your cup of coffee at the counter so you can explore the museum?

  • Are you finding what you thought you would?

Customer greeting example: Orientation in action

Every time I walk into REI, I am greeted by a sales associate. They often stand by the front doors to greet and say goodbye to customers. Whenever a customer walks in, they inquire about what the customer needs to do or which type of product they’re looking for. The associate then tells them exactly where they need to go and even communicates with the rest of the floor to send a staff member if the customer needs help. It’s a great way to welcome customers to the store and help them find what they need in an ample space.



During notable shopping seasons (e.g., back to school, Mother’s Day, the winter holidays, etc.), having a seasonal greeting in your backpack is helpful. Depending on the occasion, you can choose to weave in the following phrases or statements into your visitor greetings:

  • Happy holidays!

  • Visiting or shopping for someone special?

  • Are you here for the festival this weekend?

Non-verbal best practices for greeting visitors

The best greetings aren’t just about what you say. Several non-verbal factors can influence how well your greeting will be received. Consider the following.

Look the part

You and your fellow ambassadors (volunteers) must be presentable when facing visitors. The more likable your appearance is, the higher the chances visitors would respond favorably to your greeting.

The right look depends on your setting. Someone working at a shop that sells beach attire clothes would dress differently than someone at a four or five-star hotel. Regardless of your dress code, see that you’re wearing clean and pressed clothing. If makeup is required, ensure that your face and hair are touched periodically throughout the day to keep your best foot forward.

Please make sure to time your greeting correctly.

The timing of your greeting will affect how your spiel will land. In most cases, it’s best to wait about 15 to 30 seconds after someone has walked in before you greet them. This gives them enough time to get their bearings and adjust to your environment. Welcoming them too soon could overwhelm visitors, so wait before approaching them.

Please be careful with your body language.

Your body language should feel open and welcoming. Keep your arms at your sides (rather than crossing them) and maintain healthy eye contact. Keep an appropriate distance between yourself and shoppers to avoid invading their personal space.


Continuing the interactions

In addition to the tips above, Ekstrom reiterates the importance of keeping the conversation going but being mindful of visitor preferences. “I like to take the cue from the visitor,” she says. “Typically, locals are very attuned to what’s happening in the neighborhood and the vibe.”

It comes down to your intuition and noting social cues. “If it feels like you’re asking too much, you’re asking too much. If you feel like it’s been a long time since you checked in, you’ve waited a long time to check in.”

How can you “read” your visitors? Consider:

  • Body language

  • Verbal cues

  • Eye contact

Remember that every person, and thus every visitor, is different. “More than [one interaction] for someone who’s very introverted might be too much,” Ekstrom notes. "If a visitor feels like they’ve been authentically and genuinely engaged, you can take their cue for back and forth conversation.”

Train your employees

Ekstrom nods that the best tourism ambassadors are inherently good at interpersonal communications. There are some characteristics that you can’t teach. “A true community advocate associate likes to engage,” he says.

However, you can teach colleagues visitor greeting techniques to enhance their skills and provide a destination-authentic visitor experience. “We need to trust that they can be empowered with the destination knowledge and the brand values to make that engagement genuine,” says Ekstrom.  

Retail Dive reports that almost one-third of front-line employees don’t receive formal training, including sales greeting techniques. However, retail staff training is an area that would benefit from more attention, especially about employing these in-destination tactics. For example, the Salesforce report found that 44% of consumers usually know more about products than associates.

“It’s quite a catch-22 in that the more that we train people to be genuine, it almost becomes more disingenuine,” Ekstrom points out. “When we’re pressuring people to be authentic, it comes across as inauthentic.”

But practical ambassador training is easier said than done. Retail Dive also reports that 35% of retail employees found their training “very effective,” and only 31% felt “extremely engaged” after their workout.

Ekstrom has found one effective training technique: role-playing. “I think that destinations and their front-line partners like hotels, restaurants, attractions, and local shops are best served with experience-based training,” he says. “No one likes to role-play training activities, but that makes them effective and efficient because it highlights confusion, misalignment, and discomfort.” It puts your people on the spot and replicates the real-life experience.

Ekstrom suggests that you switch it up: role play with extroverted, introverted, suspicious, and even rude visitors to help your people build the collective skill set and learn which responses are brand-appropriate.


Ekstrom points to a local Seattle ice cream shop, Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream, as a brand that has effectively trained associates — Scoopers — to ask the right questions and make every customer experience positive. There’s almost always a line out the door. “I always feel genuinely greeted, even though the interactions are quick,” he describes. “[The Scoopers are] so friendly and have fantastic personable personalities. Even though the engagement is quick, I never feel like I’m being rushed.” Customers can taste as many ice cream flavors as they like, and there are visuals to keep you occupied during the wait. “By the time I get to an associate, I don’t feel frustrated and like I waited forever. I’m quite excited,” he says. “That quick but genuine engagement is a great way to cap my experience with the store.”

Employing effective sales greeting techniques

One straightforward way to effectively greet and interact with visitors is to put yourself in their shoes. How would you like to be helped? Authentic, genuine interactions will almost always win over sales practices.


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